Privacy statement | Audi Planning

Scope and handling of personal data
This privacy policy informs users about the extent to which and the purposes for which personal data is collected and processed.

The following provider is responsible for this website:
Audi Planung GmbH
Local Court Ingolstadt HRB No. 4937
Management: Timo Alpen and Valentin Faust

Address of the responsible party:
Audi Planung GmbH
Neuhartshöfe 3
85080 Gaimersheim
Phone: 0841-89-993437
Fax: 0841-89-35359

Contact person

Christian Rönicke
Ludwig-Erhard-Straße 2
36088 Hünfeld

The legal regulations on data protection are derived from the European General Data Protection Regulation. The Federal Data Protection Act (BDSG) and the Telemedia Act (TMG) apply in addition.

Personal data includes, for example, the name, address or date of birth of the user (see Art. 4 DSGVO). This information is only collected and processed on the website in accordance with the statutory data protection provisions.

Collection and processing of personal data

The personal data that is collected by the operator in the course of use will only be passed on with an express declaration of consent or by applying statutory rules. The rights of the data subject to deletion, correction, etc. also apply here.

In the case of anonymous use of the site, only the non-personal data is stored and used to improve the online offer. Tracing via this data is not possible.

Right to information / deletion / revocation

The basic data protection regulation grants the user the right to obtain information free of charge from the operator of the website about which personal data is stored. In addition, the user is entitled to request the deletion, blocking or correction of incorrect data, insofar as there is no legal obligation to retain such data.